Keeping Portland Weird

This was taken a few years ago when I was regularly visiting Portland, OR.

Just a quick note on the ads you are seeing. I’ve avoided allowing ads for ten years. WordPress nudged me a couple of weeks ago so I thought I would give it a try. If it turns out to be a bust or more of an annoyance than it is worth, I’ll figure out a way to turn off the ads. My guess is that only sites that generate a lot of traffic see any sort of monetary reward. My site, although having quite a few Followers, has very little traffic.

Thanks, Bluestar2012.

The Blue Moon

Went to the Blue Moon Tavern last Saturday night. Two local bands were having a record release party. Advertised as Seattle’s ” most infamous bar”. The list of literary figures that have spent time in the bar can be seen on this link. I like the one where Tom Robbins, the author, called Pablo Picasso from the bar and actually got through to him, but Mr. Picasso refused to accept the overseas phone charges. The murals in this post are on the west wall of the exterior of the bar and were taken with my iPhone.

View from the Pike Place Market

Yesterday, on a Chamber of Commerce weather day, we took our two grandkids to the Pike Place Market to have lunch and to check out the refurbed section of the Market. We traveled by bus from West Seattle; I have to insert that I think comparing NYC Subways and Seattle Metro buses is likely close to happening).

Highlights of the images ( which are all  shot on my iPhone, with the aid of a detachable lens  are: The Wheel, Mt. Rainier, Elliott Bay, Alki Point in West Seattle and the soon-to-become extinct Viaduct/SR99.

One of the highlights of the outing was viewing and contributing to the new Gum Wall!

Anyway, the foray into downtown Seattle for a few of hours was about all my broken down body could endure. The current Seattle agency in charge of tourism promotion of the city seemed to be doing a bang up job as the Market was jam packed, even for a Tuesday!