
This chicken was one of four urban chickens that lived down the street from our daughter’s house in the Sabin neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. On our walks home from the school our granddaughter attended we would sometimes stop by to feed the chickens-which was usually crackers like those small fish shaped crackers ( the name escapes me). There were quite a few urban chicken coops in NE Portland. One house, some sort of a commune, even had goats and sheep.

Keeping Portland Weird

This was taken a few years ago when I was regularly visiting Portland, OR.

Just a quick note on the ads you are seeing. I’ve avoided allowing ads for ten years. WordPress nudged me a couple of weeks ago so I thought I would give it a try. If it turns out to be a bust or more of an annoyance than it is worth, I’ll figure out a way to turn off the ads. My guess is that only sites that generate a lot of traffic see any sort of monetary reward. My site, although having quite a few Followers, has very little traffic.

Thanks, Bluestar2012.

Fire Hydrants across the U.S.


Seattle, Portland, NYC and Wyoming. Clockwise from upper left:

Red= Gowanus, Brooklyn

Silver w/orange ring: South Park, Seattle.

Tall, crusty one with white ring: Lower East Side, Manhattan.

Red and Yellow: Portland, OR.

Yellow with blue top: Rock Springs, WYO.

Tri-color: Portland, OR.

Have a hydracious day!!

Skinny Houses


I took this photo 6 years ago in NE Portland, OR. The houses were probably less than a year old at the time. This past summer I was contacted by someone in Mass. regarding the use of this image for an Urban Design and Planning Quarterly. Not sure when the magazine will be published. It was a bit of an ordeal getting the images transmitted. They wanted large res versions, as this is, and email didn’t work. I ended up loading the images to my Dropbox account and giving the contact person in Mass. access to that account.

All’s well that ends well.