Touches of Art Deco


Years ago, this was the Public Health Hospital on Beacon Hill, in Seattle. It has had many tenets since those days, when people without health insurance could go for medical care. For a few years it served as Amazon’s Headquarters. Now it is occupied by PacMed called Pacific Tower and is shared with Seattle Central Community College as a training facility.

If you look closely you can see touches of Art Deco in the building design. Considering what sort of design styles are used today. glass and steel monoliths, I find the look of this building amazing to view.

Georgetown Vanished

Over the past 10 years I have been photographing two Seattle neighborhoods, South Park and Georgetown. Both neighborhoods have been going through a lot of changes, but more so in the case of Georgetown. This wall is now gone.

The above brick wall was part of the massive. brick structure of the old Seattle Brewery. Today, this wall is gone. At the time I shot these images the walls were propped up or stabilized, on the back side, with large, steel rods or beams ( it wouldn’t take much of an earthquake to being them down). Arched windows, signage and other brick details are really cool and add so much character. Details, that today, would never even be a consideration in constructing a building, brick or otherwise.

My next posting will be of another old structure, Seattle Flour Company in West Seattle.